He Finally Put A Ring On It!

This event in particular was very special to me! Brittany, the future bride, is actually my aunt. Seeing her so happy made this event so much more special. I am so excited to have Seth, the future groom, as my uncle and an official addition to the family.

Brittany and Seth have been together for 5 or 6 years. I vividly remember Brittany bringing Seth up for the first time. We were sitting at Texas Roadhouse, and she told us she was seeing someone new. The smile on her face told its own story, and I had a feeling he was going to be the one. I remember meeting Seth for the first time as well. We met for the first time on Christmas Eve a couple years ago. My first impression was definitely a good one. He has always been so kind, and so good to my aunt.

When my mom first told me Seth was going to propose I could not contain my excitement. I was so excited to see them on that special day, and get the chance to celebrate with them. Seth proposed to Brittany privately then brought her to an engagement party where all of her friends and family would be waiting, including me! Brittany's reaction when she first saw us was so pure, and so special. I am so glad I got the chance to capture all of it!

Another great addition to the party was a very special surprise. Brittany's high school bestie flew in from Kentucky to surprise her. Once Brittany saw her everyone in the room was crying. We were all so happy, and so glad we could be there to celebrate both Brittany and Seth. This event is something that will always be special to me. I loved getting to capture the joy and memories from this day for Brittany and Seth! Now it's time for them to plan a wedding!