Puppy Love!

Over the weekend I got to do some dog sessions! I love doing dog sessions because I'm such a big dog person, and who doesn't like playing with dogs. My two sessions of dogs were definitely hyper, but I'm glad we could get some good photos of them!

My first session was with Oden. Oden is a fun, hyper, and loving boy. He loved running around and doing some tricks with me. He also LOVED his peanut butter and bread that he got rewarded. Fun fact about Oden is he is technically my cousin. Oden belongs to my Aunt Brittany. This was my first time meeting the sweet boy, but he was definitely worth the wait!

My second session was with two dogs named Tiger and Lenny. Tiger was five while Lenny was one or two (I forget!). They were so sweet and so lovable. They were so excited to run around in the park. Although they were crazy, we got some great shots of them. Their owner is actually my name twin, Olivia. In order to get pictures of the two dogs together Olivia had to get in the picture, and I am sure glad she did! The pictures of her and the two dogs were so adorable. The connection we have with our pets is so precious and I loved seeing Olivia's love for Tiger and Lenny.

It was a great weekend filled with photography and puppies. I am so excited to get to do it again!