The Family I Call My Own

Over the past weekend I got the opportunity to take pictures of the Hartsock family. I was so honored that they wanted me to take their family photos as I consider them my own family. Lily, the eldest daughter, has been my best friend the past three almost four years now. As I have gone through high school and grown with Lily I have also gotten the amazing honor of becoming closer with her family. Michael and Renea, or as we call her Nae Nae, have quickly become my second parents. Nae Nae always shows me so much love and support towards everything I do as Michael provides a fun environment every time I'm over. He's a lot like my own dad. Nora is like a little sister to me. Having a little sister is something I never got to experience before I met Nora. I have a little brother, but never got the chance to have a little sister. Over the years I have loved getting to watch her grow into the girl she is today! I love this family so much, and these photos represent their personalities and love for each other so well!

Nae Nae, Michael, Nora, and Lily if you are reading this.. I love you guys!