Wreaths Across America 2023

Over the weekend I got the amazing opportunity to photograph an event for Springfield, Illinois' Civil Air Patrol Squadron. This weekend was so moving, and I have so much to say not only about my experience, but about this amazing group of cadets.

Both my brother and my dad are a part of Springfield's Civil Air Patrol. This group has very quickly become family, so I was so honored that they wanted me to photograph Wreaths Across America for them this year. Wreaths Across America is a annual tradition started around 31 years ago. Each year numerous volunteers place wreaths on the graves of soldiers who have died for our country. Civil Air Patrol has been apart of this for some time now. The cadets sell wreaths all year long not only to get ready for this special day, but also to fund-raise for future drill competitions, encampments, uniforms, etc.

The day started with 6 cadets performing a short ceremony where they placed a themed wreath for each branch of the military. They then raised the flag, and the festivities began. The cadets along with veterans and numerous other volunteers spent the day placing wreaths on every soldiers tombstone that celebrates the holiday season. Cadets would then salute the soldiers and thank them for their service. It was a very moving thing to experience and I am so glad I got to capture it all. You can really see the dedication and honor in the faces of each cadet throughout this day.

I love the Civil Air Patrol and I am so excited to hopefully work with them more in the future. If you haven't purchased a wreath from the cadets I highly suggest you do! If you have a kid that is interested in the military I highly suggest you sign them up to become a cadet. The lessons each of them learn will rest with them for the rest of their lives. It is an amazing program!